Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Season 9 (83-84)

September 24, 1983-"Eddie Murphy Pre-Show"

-James Brown's Celebrity Hot Tub Party- Godfather of Soul (EDM) gets in 

|aired 11/5/83|

-Gumby (EDM) directs the movie version of his life story 

|aired 11/5/83|

-Mister Robinson's (EDM) Neighborhood- a nutrition lesson from stolen groceries 

|aired 11/12/83|

-Blaire (JOP) gets upset when he sees Dion Dion (EDM) kissing customer (ROD) 

|aired 11/12/83|

-Buckwheat's (EDM) ghost appears when publishers want tell-all book from Alfalfa (MAG) 

|aired 1/14/84|

-Michael Jackson (EDM) says "Nice Boys Don't Get Girls Pregnant" 

|aired 1/14/84|

-Mister Robinson's (EDM) Neighborhood- the dognaper shows how to ransom a pooch 

|aired 1/21/84|

-(EDM) uses dynamite to get women, but Dr. Joyce Brothers [real] disapproves 

|aired 1/28/84|

-a couple realizes they forgot to tell people hiding in the attic WWII's over 

|aired 3/17/84|

-menage-a-trois seekers (JIB) & (MAG) find (EDM)'s involved with a couple 

|aired 4/14/84|

October 8, 1983-Brandon Tartikoff

*TIK, MAG & EDM break into host's office to see how he got himself on the show

-James Watt (JOP) is depressed because minority groups don't like him

-Jazz Riffs- sax player (EDM) admits he does weddings & parties for money

-Feln's (JOP) Discount Food & Clothing Warehouse sells things to wear & eat

-Gumby (EDM) & Pokey (JOP) rehearse a scene for their reunion show

-Larry's (BRH) Corner contains duck noise, nasal milk & thirsty guy synchrony

-suspicious-looking (TIK) rents a gun from a sporting goods store

-diner owner Ethel (MAG) takes a series of tragedies in stride

October 15, 1983-Danny DeVito & Rhea Perlman

*Andie (JLD) tries on a pair of Calvin Klein Cream Pies

-Mister Robinson's (EDM) Neighborhood- the products of sleeping around show up

-discount psychiatrist Crazy Edelman’s (JOP) prices are insane

-What Would Frank Do?- Dion Dion (EDM) plays on Sinatra's (JOP) game show

-It's A Small World riders panic when their boat breaks down in the tunnel

-Odyssey of a Paperclip- why mom warns "you don't know where it's been"

-a teacher (Rhea) insists that all in-class conversation be "en Espanol"

-autograph seekers (TIK) (Rhea) (Danny) compare notes at stage door

-Book Beat- a stalker's (Danny) works appear to have a common theme

-Amos 'n' Andy Show- the new version features (EDM) & Andy Rooney (JOP)

-Masterpiece Humor- the final episode of "A Kangaroo Walks Into A Bar"

-mourners attack a negligent bodyguard (ROD) at a politician's funeral

October 22, 1983-John Candy

*JIB's friend host hasn't shown up yet but Mr. Mambo (host) lifts his spirits

-Doc Edmund (EDM) uses country medications for broken leg & baby delivery

-Village of the Damned Little Rascals- Miss Crabtree's (ROD) class is evil

-a priest (host) uses adjacent phone booths to hear (JIB)'s confession

-Ronald McDonald (JOP) shows his nasty side in his dressing room

-Poly-Rock denture cream lets old musicians play guitar with their teeth

-(JIB) becomes the millionth customer at Candace's (host) Fantasy Shack

-prison cellmates (host) & (JIB) bicker like a married couple

November 5, 1983-Betty Thomas

*spacesuit-wearing Jesse Jackson (JOP) announces his run for president

-Memorex video tape captures FBI's close framing of Lee Iacocca (JOP)

-Elvis look-alike (JOP) auditions for role of Curly in a 3 Stooges tribute

-You Win A Dollar- (JIB) endures dangerous stunts in vain hope for a buck

-Perfectly Frank- ad executive (JOP) subliminally seduces psychologist (host)

-(JIB) dances in a Flashdance-style version of Swan Lake

-(ROD) goes into labor during Jane Fonda's (host) pregnancy workout

-at a support group meeting, transsexuals miss their former male lives

November 12, 1983-Teri Garr

*pom-pom girls teach some unusual cheers to the new girl (host)

-Thirsty Guy birth control sponge is designed for the quicker picker-upper

-The Real Story- obnoxious Abraham Lincoln (JOP) provokes assassination

-educational film narrator Dwight MacNamara (GAK) speaks at an assembly

-caffeine achiever host gets increasingly agitated while making commercial

-Marilyn Monroe (host) gives JFK (JOP) advice about the Berlin crisis

-a nun's (MAG) sarcasm gets her in trouble with Father Alexander (TIK)

-(GAK) claims his wife (JLD) will turn him into a rabbit when they get home

November 19, 1983-Jerry Lewis

*during heart surgery, host dreams that Dean Martin (JOP) is his doctor

-The Forum- people say where they were when they heard JFK had been shot

-host watches (TIK) dub King of Comedy into French as if it were slapstick

-Rosemary Clooney (JIB) advertises the praises of Cornet paper products

-Entertainment Tonight- interviews with host & other celebrities

-skydivers (host) & (EDM) realize there's only one parachute while falling

-Fascinating People & Their Friends- a Jewish Football Leaguer (host) is interviewed

-on Larry's (BRH) Corner, the luckiest man on Earth (GAK) loses his claim to fame

-a rebellious college freshman (JLD) is home for a tense Thanksgiving meal

-Gusty (JIB) sings a song in honor of the whales

December 3, 1983-The Smothers Brothers

*rain delay in the studio prevents the show from beginning

-Crisis Game '83- John Glenn (Tom) & Jesse Jackson (EDM) react to problems

-Know Your Neighbor- (JLD) describes Hanukkah traditions as (JIB) laughs

-Tom Carvel (JOP) discovers (TIK)’s erotic holiday ice cream franchise

-Dream Land- (JIB) can't decipher (MAG)'s obvious sexual fantasy about him

-terrible garage band auditions for record company representative (Dick)

-(Tom) has to make repeated trips to get Dick's autograph for his wife (MAG)

December 10, 1983-Flip Wilson

*Blaire (JOP) is amused when Dion Dion's (EDM) mother Geraldine (host) visits the salon

-sleazy couple (ROD) & (JOP) exchange Christmas presents & cheap jokes

-passenger (BRH) is annoyed by attendant (host) in cramped airplane restroom

-Hello, Trudy!- (JIB)’s call-in show's sole viewer Trudy asks (JOP) dumb questions

-Older Sisters of the Young- Mary Tyler Moore (MAG) makes an adoption appeal

-at Christmastime, Solomon (EDM) & Pudge (JOP) discuss shoes & feet

-a reverend's (host) parishioners agree with him until he asks for money

-Crazy Weinstein (JIB) isn't selling anything, he's just insane

-Walter (GAK) insists he can make a living by only tying host's shoelaces

-classical station ad is (TIK)'s relief from clashing subway radio music

January 14, 1984-Father Guido Sarducci

*JOP & MAG announce & explain the SNL National Phone-In Democratic Primary

-Linda Ronstadt (JLD) answers the musical question "What's New", it’s not her

-(JOP) admits incest so times like these are made for Tasteless Choice

-The Man Who Loved Swimmin'- movie shows how host keeps his chastity vow

-after host's flight is delayed, TransEastern employee (JIB) gets friendly

January 21, 1984-Michael Palin

*JOP is upset that they gave him Charlie Chan makeup for a Donahue sketch

-Boy George Burns (JIB), The Man & His Music is a strange TV special

-Lorne Greene (JOP) for Powerful Living dog snacks talks nutrition & religion

-(host) tries to lease an apartment that contains a main-on-chain (JIB)

-Mick Pitwhistle Does It All- (host)’s singing is bad in many genres

-That's Okay- (BRH) is forced to perform his lethal skill for (JOP)

-(host) is the owner of the House of Mutton sheep-themed restaurant

-(host) says "don't worry about the whales, save all those poor plankton"

-Life on the Mississippi- riverboat captain (host) is mentor for (GAK)

January 28, 1984-Don Rickles

*Ronald Reagan (JOP) says "vote for me, Ronco's TV President"

-I Married A Monkey- Madge is having an affair with (host)

-The Hamlisch Maneuver- Marvin's (JOP) nauseating songs stop choking

-(host) receive no help from the the FBI's witness relocation program

-during Romeo & Juliet sketch, host breaks character to bicker with JOP

-(MAG) & (JLD) fight for the right to kiss loser El Dorko (GAK)

-This Is Your Afterlife- (GAK) makes suicidal comedian (host) want to live

February 11, 1984-Robin Williams

*at the Winter Olympics, JOP interviews bobsledders (host) (EDM) (JIB)

-Rock & Roll & Then Some- Clarence Walker (EDM) proves he was the 5th Beatle

-Wild Kingdom Of Heaven- an evangelical veterinarian (host) heals pets

-Gandhi & The Bandit- a movie about the truckin' man of peace (TIK)

-Firing Line- William F. Buckley (host) asks (EDM) about flammable blacks

-(BRH) is fed up with having a mime (host) for a roommate

-babies (host), (EDM), (ROD) & (TIK) plan an escape from their playpen

-MTV News- an interview with musicians The Ugly Sisters Step (MAG) & (ROD)

-odd couple Siamese twins (JIB) & (host) try to pick up women in a bar

-(JLD) & (TIK) live 30 seconds ahead and behind the present respectively

February 18, 1984-Jamie Lee Curtis

*JIB raps & breakdances to celebrate the fact that it's Saturday Night

-a video store employee (EDM) acts out scenes from movies not in stock

-on a date with contest winner El Dorko (GAK), host discovers he's a good kisser

-The Julia Show- self-absorbed JLD dominates interview with host & EDM

-during a workout, Ronald Reagan (JOP) can't find anything to watch on TV

-(host) & (JIB) verbally rehearse a love scene they're doing together

-passengers of Persons Express economy airline are treated as cargo

-host & (GAK) rehearse their parts in a horror-based Broadway musical

-Where Are They Now?- Pete Best (BRH) is still upset over Beatle ejection

February 25, 1984-Edwin Newman

*Dion Dion (EDM) & Blaire (JOP) decide what to do about host's lack of hair

-Jesse Jackson (EDM) tries to please Jews by singing "Hymietown"

-host corrects a suicide hotline caller's (ROD) grammar

-host bets Tom Snyder (JOP) that he can make BRH an anchorman a la My Fair Lady

-Speaking Freely- host interviews James Brown (EDM)

-ex-gunfighter Kid Halpern (host) teaches (GAK) the tricks of the trade

-Urban Answers- gang leaders (BRH) & (host) talk about their conflicts

-old men (JOP) & (EDM) remember the days when everything cost a nickel

-Face The Press- (JIB) murders panelists who mention his links to the mob

-Jacoby Escort Service- (ROD) & (MAG) guarantee absolutely no sex

March 17, 1984-Billy Crystal

*on St. Patrick's day, Siobhan Cahill (MAG) finds Purim celebrators

-representative of fake college (BIC) makes secret pitch to high schoolers

-Ronald Reagan (JOP) asks Sammy Davis Jr. (BIC) for campaign influence

-Bad Career Moves- Herve Villechaise (BIC) says why he quit Fantasy Island

-in Heaven, JFK (BIC) is upset that Gary Hart is copying his style

-The Womb- a play about a mother (MAG) & daughter (JLD) relationship

April 7, 1984-Michael Douglas

*Karl Malden (JOP) provides host with an American Express Traveler’s Script

-Nina Blackwood (JLD) does the MTV music news for The Garage Band's "Look At Our Video"

-Price (TIK) & Waterhouse (JIB) choose who they think should win Oscars

-(host) auditions 33-year-old (MAG) for a kid's role in a play

-Footless- rebel (BRH) moves to a town in which there are no feet

-(host) goes to a psychiatrist to seek relief from his personal soundtrack

-Shelley Winters (ROD) & Kirk Douglas (host) show debate bloopers

April 14, 1984-George McGovern

*60 Minutes- ten years in the future, (TIK) interviews Richard Nixon (JOP)

-Ronald Reagan (JOP) advertises Very, Very Hungry Man Dinners

-circus trampoliner (JIB) in the apartment below ruins (MAG)'s date with (TIK)

-Direct Hits- updated songs reflect America's military muscle

-Cosmos- Carl Sagan (GAK) shows universe where host won '72 election

-Book Beat- archeologist's (host) discovery makes (BRH)'s book worthless

-Walter (GAK) & his wife (ROD) are fed up with his less successful brother host

May 5, 1984-Barry Bostwick

*MAG & JLD act out a simulated cat fight to arouse the male viewers

-(JIB)'s extensive criminal record is revealed by a lie detector test

-Iceman- unfrozen greaser (host) sings "Waking Up Is Hard To Do"

-lab teleportation mishap turns (JLD) into The Turkey Lady (ROD)

-La Cage Aux Folles- Rick Springfield (host) wishes he was "Jessie's Girl"

-Dog Day P.M.- canine filmmaker (host) discusses being mistreated by humans

May 12, 1984-Ed Koch, Betty Thomas, Father Guido Sarducci, Edwin Newman & Billy Crystal

*Sammy Davis, Jr. (BIC) breakdances & sings with Frank Sinatra (JOP)

-Father Guido Sarducci & Willie Nelson (JIB) join to do an album of duets

-Mayor Koch's Neighborhood- Ed takes the opportunity to advertise his book

-Mikko's Got Your Nose Safety Guard prevents accidental child nose rips

-nerdy oral surgeon's (GAK) dating service tape is music video-like

-the Three Stooges (GAK) (JOP) (TIK) teach a women's self-defense class

-Hello, Trudy!- Edwin nearly jeopardizes the future of (JIB)’s show

-(BIC) waiters as Godzilla terrorizes a Japanese restaurant

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